Boycotting the Trump Administration
What a wonderful time to be a patriot. This is the first time in American History that we can save the Republic by not shopping! Or by shopping wisely.
We have a President and his cabinet members that are deeply associated with various businesses and services. Their actions and policies can be, at least, pressured by buying their products (this is called bribery) or by boycotting their products (saving the Republic). This has never happened before and we need to act to make sure this kind of corruption is stopped and prevented from permanently harming the United States.
It has become abundantly clear that popular vote loser Trump is more concerned about his personal gains and businesses than the National Good. And his choosing self-interested billionaires to be the ones who help him ruin (run) the Executive Branch of government needs to be protested and stopped. Boycotting is a valuable part of such a process.
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Some people do not like the idea of boycotting. It is a strong statement to make and should only be used when a social injustice, financial injustice, environmental injustice or similar injustices have occurred. I am someone, who along with more than half of the voting population, that did not go for Trump. And I can see those injustices already piling up by the Trump Administration.
Whether it is an attack on religious freedom and tolerance, removing the protective financial regulations of Wall Street, pushing obsolete oil pipelines through sensitive environments, the incompetent killing of children by our misdirected military, attacks on the Freedom of the Press and Judicial Branch of government, and personal threats of force by the President against those exercising their Right of Speech, it is clear that boycotting is not only justified, but necessary.
Some might also suggest that boycotting hurts workers and communities more than the actual culprits of injustice. And in the short term, there is some truth to that – some specific workers and associated stores are impacted. But as the money that used to go to one store instead goes to another store or product, workers will follow where the money goes. And if the ultimate goal of a boycott is achieved everyone benefits.
Boycotting is another way of saying “voting with your dollars.” Whenever and wherever you can, choose to support good people and companies and stop giving money to those people and business entities that neither care for you nor for the planet as a whole.
Who and what to boycott?
1) Trump and Family: Boycott any Trump hotel, golf course and related business. Do not buy any products such as ties, clothing, jewelry, dishes, etc., that carries the Trump Brand. This includes those items associated to Trump’s family such as Ivanka and Melania. His children are active participants in the political conning that has taken place – they are not innocent bystanders, but active participants in the the Trump fraud and Brand.
2) The Secretary of State – Rex Tillerson was CEO with Exxon-Mobil. And Exxon-Mobil is a reprehensible company and is worthy of boycotting on its own. Do not purchase from E-M gas stations, or buy oil products and any other products that you can identify with this giant corporation. Fill up your car at other filling stations than Exxon-Mobile. There is no reason why this corporation needs to continue to exist. Other companies can do their job.
And the truth is – everyday we are closer to becoming a sustainable (non-oil based) economy, where oil and its products become a second-tier commodity. The oil companies hate this and are fighting it, but Europe and China and Brazil and the United States are all taking steps to that reality.
3) Secretary of Labor – Andy Puzder. This guy is the owner of Carl’s Jr and Hardees fast food restaurants. These 2 businesses are easy to boycott as there are plenty of other places to eat instead of these restaurants. Boycott them. Again you might feel sorry for the workers at these places, I do, too. Because they are poorly paid and lack decent benefits. And remember as a Carl Jr’s or Hardees closes – another, better restaurant will open and they will want workers, there.
MORE TO COME: There are many scary people being placed into Trump’s cabinet many of whom have businesses and products that should be shunned. I will add them at a later date. Today, I just wanted you who read these posts to consider this idea of boycotting, so that you can start using or not using your dollars right away to put financial pressure on the most obvious of targets. Boycotting that does work and can make changes for the better for all of us.
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