Compassionate Cannabis Plus Medical Marijuana Limerick
Medical Marijuana
For some it’s the CBD
And others the THC,
From palsy to pain
Rheumatism to migraine,
It’s a plant for a healthier me.
– Scott Harker
This afternoon, my wife and I attended a local meeting of a group called Compassionate Canna Buds. The group’s basic goal is to normalize the use of marijuana in the community – to help remove the stigma for its legal use. And even living in a state where both medical marijuana and recreational marijuana are legal, you might be surprised to learn that there are many people for whom this topic is taboo or, at least, misunderstood. But so it is, and certainly at the Federal level and in states where laws have not caught up with social truth, there is a need for education and information about this marvelous “weed.”
Marijuana is such a useful plant. It can help with glaucoma, epileptic seizures and other kinds of seizures, cancer, anxiety, Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, alleviates pain, reduces inflammation, and promotes sleep. And the list goes on to include helping those with Crohn’s, Parkinson’s and PTSD. And I could add more, but you get the idea – this simple, easy to grow plant, when used appropriately, can help us humans in so many different ways.
I should mention that at this meeting we attended, there was someone who had suffered from hundreds of seizures a year, even though he was taking handfuls of pills everyday. Switching to marijuana has dropped his seizure frequency down to 2 or so a year, without the pills. No wonder the pharmaceutical corporations have fought so hard to keep this from us.
There were more anecdotal references of health improvements, both second hand as well as direct, dealing with insomnia, migraines, crippling arthritis and so on. A large part of the meeting, though, concerned making your own edibles, lotions and tincture hemp products.
One of the great benefits of the legal medical marijuana laws, put in place in many states over the years, is that the use of non-smoking marijuana products has become better understood and available. Marijuana no longer has to be smoked in a bong to be appreciated. And a great advantage of edibles and balms – is that you can easily experiment with the amounts applied or ingested – varying what you take or use to find just the right amount for your particular ailments.
And you can learn to make your own tinctures, balms and edibles. Perhaps the easiest to make is THC and CBD infused butter. If you go on Youtube, you will find there are many instructional videos about the subject. Many of these videos feature machines that allow to you make your own hemp butter or tinctures, etc. Probably the most popular butter/tincture maker is Magicalbutter. I recommend you go to to find out more about that device.
All and all, it was nice to find friendly, generous people in our home town willing to help and share their personal insights and knowledge about the subject. It is an encouraging thought that compassionate cannabis will help many people enjoy a better quality of life. Lives where the hemp plant allows them more personal medical control over their own health.
Since CBD products are, I understand, legal throughout the country, here are some CBD products for sale on eBay:
CBD Products For Sale
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